The science fiction thriller TV series DEEP centers on the families of humans who went missing and suddenly begin to reappear from the ocean as living corpses, unaged and unchanged in the years and even decades since their disappearances. It’s a gripping story that reveals the truth behind the dead coming back to life and the terrifying desires of the friends and family members who were left behind.
The original NAVER WEBTOON, which the Korean TV series DEEP is based on, received an almost perfect rating of 9.95 points by readers and was beloved for its emotional and in-depth storyline. The Korean TV series DEEP was developed and produced by Ko Dae-Jung at Storytelling and is co-produced by Lotte Culture Works, which is expanding its TV series division in order to strengthen its global competitiveness. Ko is the CEO of Storytelling Co. and has produced multiple K-drama series over the past 20 years, such as The Queen of Office, Korean Peninsula, and Sweet Life. The Korean series DEEP is written by Kang Seon-ju, who wrote the screenplay for the acclaimed film Call on Netflix.
Deadline - Zack Stentz Lines Up TV Adaptation Of Korean IP 'Deep'